
Created by Selma 17 years ago
A tribute from Apolo Milton Obote April 28th 2005 Shafiq’s sudden passing away shocked me beyond measure. I have lost a true friend and confidante whom I cannot replace, whose counsel and advice I, and many others, benefited greatly from. He also to a very great extent, although he was not obliged, looked after me and my family. I wish his soul to rest in eternal peace. I thank all those who went to the funeral of Shafiq and those who have come for the Memorial Service. FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY. A tribute from Professor Krishna Somers March 24th 2005 Shafiq was a man of extraordinary talent and political skill. I met him for the first time on Makerere campus, he had recently returned from study in the UK and his personality was impressive. He was soon to join those stalwarts, amongst them Gurdial Singh and Sam Odaka, who comprised the "think tank" behind the success of the UPC in uniting Uganda in common cause of independence and progress. As Ugandan representative on the Board of Management of East African Airways, he fulfilled a major task of development of airline services in the three East African countries during the period when the three countries were at common purpose. Not to be outdone in political exile, he returned with flourish as High Commissioner of Uganda in London, and the UK was to be his base for many years to come. A poem read by Stefan at the Memorial "Dele Giwa" We stand here today Because we notice Acknowledge a void In time and space In thought and reason We feel it, Emptiness in our lives. He is gone The tears flow too readily They do not stop They do not pause They see no reason to There is no reason to The pain remains, ever as strong. We stand here today Because we acknowledge There is nothing we can do But pay homage and rejoice in Our only true joy We knew you You graced our world You taught us.