Meeting in New York

Created by ianrmillard 9 years ago
I had known Leana Arain from the barristers' chambers in London where I had been a pupil for six months in 1992 and a "second six" in 1993. At the time, I was married to an American lady. In, I think,.late 1992, the Arains visited New York, staying at the Plaza. They called me, unexpectedly, at my then home in semi-rural New Jersey, to invite me to meet them. My then wife and I drove into the city and enjoyed oysters at the Plaza with them. That was the first and last time I met Shafiq Arain, who had tremendous presence. It was not hard to visualize him as "His Excellency", minister and diplomat. I only now, in 2014, read of his death. My belated condolences to Leana and to his family. Ian Millard.