A Big Fish
Created by Selma 17 years ago
A Big Fish, by John Meyer
Stephi, Shafiq & John, Cape Cod, June 2003 My name is John Meyer, and my wife Stephanie and I have been friends of the Arain's for several years. However, our time with Shafiq was much too brief and does not nearly compare with the long-term relationships that most of you shared with him. However during every visit, dinner or afternoon tea with Shafiq, we always felt a genuine warmth and love that truly made us feel like family. As a result, we immediately developed a very close relationship with him, and Leana.
In the next few minutes I have here today, I would like to share some of the feelings my wife and I have about this truly remarkable person. Thanks to Shafiq, we and our friends managed to purchase a flat in the area and Shafiq went out of his way to help with financial and legal advice, contacted contractors, and did everything possible to see to it that all our needs were met. His willingness to take so much time to do so many things for us was something that we had never experienced - even from our closest friends and relatives. We quickly realized that Shafiq was indeed, very special. This personal level of involvement continued over the years and every visit to London was definitely made better thanks to Shafiq. He was even gracious enough to lend us his car and assured us not to worry about dents and scratches. We then tested his sincerity by breaking his side-view mirror on a narrow London street. Shafiq, true to form, didn't flinch and told us not to worry.
Last summer, my wife and I planned a special writing program for 28 American teenage girls in London, and Shafiq obtained several important guest speakers for us, and made special arrangements for our entire group to visit Parliament. Once again, we were the beneficiary of his willingness to go out of his way to help others. A few years ago, we spent some time in the Arain's flat while they enjoyed a family reunion at our home on Cape Cod. Shafiq would often recall this wonderful time spent with his family and young grandson, but he also reminded us that while on the Cape, he caught the biggest fish. Well to us, Shafiq was the really big fish.
While we were staying in his flat, we felt inspired by the impressive array of family photos and memorabilia. Notwithstanding his unique life's experiences, it was clear that we were guests in the home of a devoted family man, who dedicated himself to his life's work, while at the same time being completely focused on his wife, children and other family members.
On our last visit with Shafiq and Leana, just a few weeks before his passing, we were having tea in his home while he was recalling some of his experiences in the Obote government. He shared the story of the time when Uganda gained its independence and he and President Obote were invited to the White House to meet President John F. Kennedy. He described meeting in the oval office with the President and Secretary of State Dean Rusk. During the visit, Caroline Kennedy would come in riding her tricycle and the president would quietly ask her to ride somewhere else. Shafiq was also surprised when Bobby Kennedy appeared and whispered something to the President and a few minutes later Defense Secretary Robert MacNamara came in and whispered to the president. Most unusual, Shafiq thought, since heads of State are not normally interrupted during such visits. Just a few hours later in his hotel room, Shafiq learned on the news that the Cuban Bay of Pigs invasion had just commenced. Now the interruptions became clear. Shafiq described Kennedy to be very cordial, extremely well versed on Ugandan affairs and most interested in the details of the Abote government. This visit made Shafiq a great admirer of JFK and the story gave my wife and I a unique insight into an important part of our own history. We, and our friends Paula and Lowell Fox, who were also close to Shafiq, felt that one of his great gifts was his ability to analyze a complex geopolitical situation, distill out the most important concept, and communicate it clearly to us in a way that was easily remembered. I am sure none of you are surprised that we found Shafiq could talk long and passionately about almost any subject, including politics, economics and world history.
However, during every visit, he was by far the most passionate and energized when discussing his family. During our long personal talks together, he made it so clear to me that he could not have performed his duties during all his years of government service without Leana at his side, and without her taking such good care of the children and everything else at home. His loving words about Leana were always extremely moving and had a great impact on me. From our very first meeting, Shafiq would also not stop talking about his three children and their accomplishments. It was overwhelmingly clear that they had made him the proudest father in the world. Every time he expressed to me his heart-felt feelings about his children, it brought us closer together as friends and fathers. He spoke often about Sasha's great golf abilities and how proud he was of his pursuit of the law. His amazing Selma never ceased to bring him joy and he loved to talk about her energy, warmth, and career choices. And of course, there was constant talk about Mona and her great education, her willingness to hold strong beliefs and the wonderful life she had made for herself. He also talked with warmth and great affection about her husband, Stefan, and his eyes clearly lit up, and the smiles broadened, whenever he spoke of Casim. Clearly his grandson had a very special place in Shafiq's heart, and when we were together he would talk on and on about every little aspect of Casim's life.
My wife and I often left the Arain's only to re-examine our own life, based on the love, energy, warmth, humor and humility that were expressed by Shafiq. I can honestly say that in my personal experience, as in many of yours, Shafiq had a profound influence. Through his words, and deeds, he taught me a great deal about life, sacrifice, family, integrity, and humanity. He will clearly be missed by his family, colleagues and countless others, like me, whose life he touched. My wife and I feel truly blessed to have known him during these past few years. His spirit and what he personally taught us will certainly remain a part of our life forever. In short, we truly loved you, Shafiq, in the very highest sense - you had a tremendous impact on our life and we will certainly miss you! Thank you.
John and Stephanie Meyer
Stephi, Shafiq & John, Cape Cod, June 2003